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자유 토론방 : 팬들이 나누는 수원FC 이야기
※ 문의사항은 To. 수원FC로 부탁드리며, 자유토론방에 작성하실 경우 답변이 어렵습니다.

제목 Overseas Purchase
작성자 g○e○t 작성일 2021-03-25 01:46:28
상태 접수

Hi. Do you have overseas shipping as I am trying to purchase a uniform but cannot complete the checkout due to the address. Thank you.

댓글 2개
Puiz 2022-07-11
Can i get the tee with the player’s signature?
Since i’m a Thai fan but i cant order.
Kim 2021-03-30
In my opinion, it doesn\'t seem to support overseas delivery. If you want, can I buy it and send it to you?
작성자 / 비밀번호